We strive to communicate our work and results to a wide an audience as possible. This involves organising/attending scientific conferences and workshops, presenting our work to the public through lectures and presentations, and encouraging our work to be discussed/highlighted in local, national and international press. Media article on our stroke work (2022): Discussing our ERC imphandrehab project on virtual reality, stroke rehab and hand movements. link Journal of Neurophysiology podcast on 'The dissociable effects of reward on sequential motor behaviour' (2022): Joe contributed to this podcast talking about our recent JNP paper link See our lab youtube channel: link Water cooler neuroscience podcasts (2020): Joe contributed to this podcast recently talking about stroke rehabilitation. link Water cooler neuroscience and Naked scientist podcasts (2019): Oli Codol and Joe contributed to these podcasts recently talking about motor learning and the effects of alcohol on the cerebellum. link Pint of Science (2018): Joe & Oli gave a lecture and demonstration at Pint of Science in Birmingham on the topic of reward and motor learning. Also see our YouTube channel for my talk. Public lab demonstrations at the University of Birmingham open day (2017-2018): Joe, Oli & Seb provide demonstrations on a range of lab equipment showing the public how we examine motor learning. Brain awareness week public lecture (2017): Joe gave a public lecture entitled: Why can't we tickle ourselves? The neuroscience of prediction. This was a great way to explain the work we do in the lab to a very interested audience who ranged from 16 to 80 years old! Birmingham Rehabilitation Research Forum (2016): Our lab was involved in organising this forum for clinical and research staff interested in rehabilitation. This was a great way to discuss our work with clinical staff and patients. |